UbuntuTouch Focal OTA-1 has been released

Yesterday, the UBports core developer team released Ubuntu Touch Focal OTA-1

(In fact, Raoul, Marius and I were in a conference call when Marius froze and said: the PR team already posted the release blog post; the post is out, but we haven't released yet... ahhhh... panic... Shall I?, Marius said, and we said: GO!!! This is why the release occurred in public five hours ahead of schedule. OMG.)

For all the details, please study:


Thanks to all the developers, other contributors and funding providers that helped to reach this massive milestone. I dare to drop some names here at the risk of forgetting others (I put them in alphanumerical order): Alan, Alfred, Brian, Christoffer, Daniel, Eline, Florian, Guido, Jami, Jonathan, Kugi, Lionel, Maciek, Mardy, Marius, Mike, Nigel, Nikita, Raoul, Ratchanan, Robert, Sergey.

I have been involved in the development and release process over the past four years and I feel honoured to work with so many fine and genuine people on such a unique project.

It is a pleasure to work with you guys!!!

Also a big thanks to the UBports Foundation and its BoD for being the umbrella organisation of all Ubuntu Touch related initiatives.


Ubuntu Touch is one of the very few Open Source projects that brings fourth a 100% FLOSS phone operating system.

After using Ubuntu Touch myself for several months now, I can confirm that it is a consumer grade OS that can be used by non-tech people as a daily driver for mobile communications and connectivity.

Go for it and try it out.